God's creation was perfect. He created all things, and all things were created for him. He created man in the image of himself and he put man to rule over creation. Unfortunately, man (Adam) did the one thing that God told him not to do, and the perfect relationship between God and all men was broken . For thousands of years man tried to fix that relationship by offering sacrifices to God and following many laws. However, man is not perfect and everyone kept failing. (Romans 3:23) Due to our failures, our punishment for sin was death. (Romans 6:23) We needed a savior in order that the relationship between God and man might be restored. Because of his great love for us, God offered his only son, Jesus, (born of a virgin) to be the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus came as fully God and fully man into the world and lived a perfect life. He loved all, did miracles, and showed grace. Still, this was not enough. The punishment for our sin was death. Jesus took our punishment. He...
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.