May 31st is in 88 days.
May 31st is the day my lease ends & the day I officially don't have a house anymore. I know that people's leases end all of the time & really it's nothing out of the ordinary. Except it is. Because I have absolutely no life plans after that.
None. Zero. Zilch.
I've been thinking a lot about the concept of "home" recently. What makes up a home? Is it people? A location? A bed? How long do you have to live somewhere before it becomes your home?
When I think about "home", I think of two things.
1. Reliant K's song, "I'm taking you with me".
If home is where the heart is
Then my home is where you are
It's getting oh so hard
To spend these days
Without my heart.
(Completely irrelevant.)
& 2. Jesus had no home.
"And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." -Matthew 8:20.
As comforting of a thought that is, doesn't that make you wonder, why?
Why did Jesus not have a home? Why did the people in his hometown reject him? (Mark 6:4)
A few weeks ago at church we were talking about missions. Some of the people in my Bible Study mentioned that they enjoyed short term missions because it gave them a chance to be bold and share the gospel in a way they couldn't share it here in the States.
That really rubbed me the wrong way. If you aren't sharing the gospel radically here, why would you ever pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to do it somewhere else?
But we do that. I've done it. In our hometown we are scared of rejection. We are scared to be bold about our faith because it can make us feel uncomfortable or isolated. When we go on a short term trip, we can be radical and bold and we "feel" the Holy Spirit so much more.
But Jesus is here. In America. In Texas.
Jesus was bold and radical everywhere. He was isolated and rejected and had nowhere to lay his head.
Sometimes you won't feel accepted. Who cares? The gospel is more important than your comfort.
At some point, every place becomes your home.
"The gospel is more important than your comfort. " amen.... Be sure to come to Jesus Jam Texas.. You will find a lot of sold out believers there. God bless.