Over the past few weeks, I've seen several blogposts about the negative aspects of turning 23. As much as it probably shouldn't have, it's made me a little bit pessimistic about this next year of my life. I think perspective is everything & regardless of my circumstances, I want to choose to live a life of joy.
Plus, I really believe this year is going to be WONDERFUL.
I decided to set goals for myself with the hopes accomplishing at least 20 of them before my 24th birthday.
"Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many."
1. Take a selfie in at least 4 different countries.
Plus, I really believe this year is going to be WONDERFUL.
I decided to set goals for myself with the hopes accomplishing at least 20 of them before my 24th birthday.
"Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many."
Because there are few things in the world that bring my heart more joy than traveling. On the agenda? Costa Rica, Mexico, Spain, & Texas. Yes, I consider Texas its own country.
2. Learn to cook
I think women that can cook are classy. I strive to be a classy woman.
3. Run a half marathon.
4. Pay off my student loans
Student loans have by FAR been the biggest hindrance in my life this past year. As thankful as I am for my education, student loans are of the devil.
5. Learn a new skill
Learn to whistle? Do calligraphy? Learn how to start a fire without lighter fluid? Photography? So. Many. Possibilities.
6. Learn to use my camera.
I have a pretty sweet Cannon Rebel camera. I really want to learn how to do more than just take an in-focus photo.
7. Quit my job.
Terrifying. Exciting. And potentially stupid.
But really. I'm thankful for my job. I work super hard to prevent this.
But really. I'm thankful for my job. I work super hard to prevent this.
8. Do 30 days of something.
Write an encouraging letter to someone different for 30 straight days? 30 days of not eating out? 30 days of not buying anything for myself? All three?
9. Become fluent in Spanish
Porque los límites de mi lenguaje son los límites de mi mundo.
10. Forgive someone
If not for them, definitely for myself.
11. Learn about & practice Biblical fasting.
There is so much power in prayer and depending on God. I want to understand why so many people in the Bible days practiced fasting. What did they learn? How will it change the way I approach God?
12. Understand the metric system.
Ignorance is not bliss. Only the US, Texas, Liberia, & Myanmar have yet to convert to the metric system.
13. Travel by train.
14. Kiss someone in Spain.
Because you only move to Spain once...
15. Move cities countries.
Let's be real y'all. Small towns are not for 23 year olds that love to travel. I plan to move to Spain as soons as I've accomplished #4.
16. Kick a bad habit.
17. Read more.
"The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you'll go." -Dr. Seuss
18. Take myself to the movies/lunch.
I have a weird social fear about going to eat or going to the movies by myself. It's about time I got over that.
19. Blog consistently.
20. Get TEFL certified
Teaching English as a Foreign Language is one of the easiest ways to get a visa to another country.
21. Memorize the book of James in English
"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you..." -James 4:8. There is nothing greater than knowing and loving Jesus. Memorizing scripture is one of the best ways to do that.
22. Memorize the book of James en Español
Preach the gospel, & if since it's necessary, use words. If I'm wanting to live in a spanish speaking country, I should also be able to share the gospel in spanish.
23. Call my mom at least once a week.
Because at the end of the day, your family will always be your family. Plus, my mom rocks.
Do you have any suggestions for more things I should do while I'm 23? Would you like to be a part of helping me accomplish one of these goals? Let me know! (:
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