Before I get to my crazy adventure on
the way home, check out these sweet pictures from the last few days. I tried
coconut juice, as well as fresh coconut. I am not a fan of coconut in the
states, but the juice wasn’t half bad. The fresh coconut on the other hand… not
my thing. Slimy=disgusting. Always. I’m not sure quite how they turn that stuff
into shreds of coconut Starbucks puts on their coca-mocha frappuccinos… lots
and lots of sugar.
I haven’t been to many beaches, but this
one was stunning. The rocks were absolutely beautiful and when you turned away
from the shoreline you could see the rainforest. Seriously, how can people look
at this and NOT believe in God? It astonishes me.
(Me, Valería, and Santiago)
So anyways, we took two cars to the
beach. Valería had to be at work, so her,
her boyfriend, and my brother Fernando (23) left at about 1. We peaced out at
about 4ish… We hit traffic. Bad traffic. So Papa Otto decided to take the other
route. He explained to me that it was the longer and more mountainous route,
but there would be few cars.. you would think that’s a good thing…
It gets dark at about 6pm in Costa Rica
during this time of the year. At about 5:30 Papa Otto lets us know that the car
lights aren’t working. We keep on truckin’. At about 6:15 our car dies as we’re
driving up a mountain. We aren’t quite sure what to do, so we all just kind of
wait around and hope someone stops.
(Side note: Women do not wear shorts in
Costa Rica unless they are at the beach. I happened to be wearing shorts.) As
we wait, Grandmas comes up to me with a smile on her face and enthusiastically
explains to me that I should stand in the middle of the street so people can
see my legs and will stop to help us. Oh Gracious…Within 5 minutes, a nice
couple comes to our rescue to jump our car and we are on our way again.
That is, for another 5 minutes. All of
the sudden the car craps out on us again. This time, we are driving down a
mountain. In pitch black, with no lights. Everything in my head is screaming,
“jump out of the car, no cars will see you coming!”. Instead, I hear Papa Otto
ask us to push the car…” So, Mama Rosie, Santiago (12) and I get out and push
the car down the mountain until it won’t go anymore. For the second time, we
get out of the car and wait around. About 2 and a half hours later, our tow
truck finally arrives and loads the car up. Apparently it isn’t illegal in the
CR to ride in your car while it is being towed… Good times.
It was a crazy drive home and we didn’t
get home until about 11, but it was definitely a bonding experience!
Today was my first day of school. We
typically will have class in the morning on Tuesday/Thursdays from 8-11:30, and
then I have 2 on 1 Spanish tutoring with a sweet Costa Rican lady Monday-Friday
from 1:30-4:30. Tonight I had 2 hours of hw…
Other things I have learned in the past
few days.
-It IS possible to slip on a banana
-Today I tried to order juice from two
20ish year old students that were flirting with me. Instead of saying “I want
juice” I said, “I want to play with you”. Whoops.
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