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The dumb "miedo" I say.

Every day deceive myself into thinking, "tomorrow things are going to start calming down". BIGGEST LIE EVER. Things are crazy here. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever been this busy in my life. I arrived in Costa Rica 3 weeks ago today. In those three weeks, I've taken 2 weekend trips to the beach, hit up a national park, attended a national soccer game, made national television, spent 42 hours in spanish tutoring, challenged my beliefs on the gender of God, the causes of poverty, the legalization of drugs, ect..., gotten lost multiple times, walked 5 miles a day to and from class, made some new best friends, gone salsa dancing, and experienced a 7.6 earthquake-all while trying to communicate with people in a new language. This weekend we are taking a weekend trip to Limón where we will be visiting a coffee, banana, and pineapple plantation, hanging out at the beach, visiting an indigenous reservation, ect.. ect...

I'm not quite sure where I got the idea that things were going to calm down this weekend-or anytime soon for that matter. In a few short weeks I'll be headed to Nicaragua for 2 weeks. When I return, all of my academic classes will be lectured in spanish, and then shortly after I'll be split up from my group to head to an internship in another part of Costa Rica.

I feel like I'm learning and learning and learning and not processing anything. Right now, I should be writing a paper for my spanish class tomorrow.... It's probably not going to happen until tomorrow morning.

Phew. Sorry to all you people reading this that were the victims of my rant. I don't mean to complain. Me encanta Costa Rica. It's just a tad overwhelming.

On another note, I've done a few more dumb things since I got here. Apologies for the not so family friendly terms I unintentionally used. Here's to your entertainment:

  • This past weekend I was at the beach with my tican sister and 7 or 8 other friends. During a conversation with my sister, I tried to ask her if she was afraid of something. In spanish, that would be "¿Tienes miedo?" However, I mixed the word for fear up with the cuss word for crap... So instead I asked her if she had s***.... -To which everyone bursted out laughing and she replied, "I don't know let me check!" Oh gracious.

  • Also at the beach, my cousin asked me if I was going to get married soon. Somehow, I mistook that for "you are going to marry me"... The conversation quickly turned awkward... 

  • Last week when I entered my spanish tutoring classroom my professor asked me how I was doing that day. It was rather hot outside, so I attempted to tell her I was hot. (Tengo calor). My brain stopped working and I instead said, "Estoy caliente". Aka, I'm horny. 

I really need to think things through before I speak... Ignorance is not bliss.

PS. I lied about the whole no facebook thing. That's the way I communicate with my classmates here since we don't have phones.

Anyways, my brain has turned off for the evening. Sooooo that's all I have. I'll post pictures soon I promise! Buenos noches!

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” -Psalm 46:10


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