Over the past few weeks, I've seen several blogposts about the negative aspects of turning 23. As much as it probably shouldn't have, it's made me a little bit pessimistic about this next year of my life. I think perspective is everything & regardless of my circumstances, I want to choose to live a life of joy. Plus, I really believe this year is going to be WONDERFUL. I decided to set goals for myself with the hopes accomplishing at least 20 of them before my 24th birthday. "Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many." 1. Take a selfie in at least 4 different countries. Because there are few things in the world that bring my heart more joy than traveling. On the agenda? Costa Rica, Mexico, Spain, & Texas. Yes, I consider Texas its own country. 2. Learn to cook I think women that can cook are classy. I strive to be a classy woman. 3. Run a half marathon. Slowllyyyy. 4. Pay off my student loans Student loan...
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.